La campanya consisteix en què els fans enviín una carta/meil a Jerry Bruckheimer encoratjant-lo a fer la película. Sembla que aquesta mena de campanyes tenen molt d'impacte a Hollywood. Aquí en podeu veure més detalls.
Ja ho sabeu, si us faria gràcia veure una película de Rifts, quant més cartes rebin de tot el món, més probable és que la facin. Jo ja estic preparant la meva! Anima't!
I si no tens ganes d'escriure, han preparat una carta model:
Fans want a RIFTS® Movie
---- Your return address ----
January, 2009
Jerry Bruckheimer
c/o JB Films
1631 Tenth Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Dear Mr. Bruckheimer,
You have expressed an interest in doing a Rifts® Movie for a long time now.
I’m writing to tell you that Rifts fans around the world would LOVE TO SEE a Rifts movie. We have enjoyed playing Rifts for years and can think of nothing better than seeing it brought to life by a producer of your caliber. You understand the sweeping magnitude and power a Rifts® movie should have, and the excitement it can generate among fans and ordinary moviegoers alike.
I just want you to know that I think people would flock to a film like Rifts. And if done well, it could be the epic science fiction/fantasy film that captures the imagination of a new generation the way Star Wars did in the past.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
– your name -
Editat (16-01-09): Ahir ja vaig enviar la carta.
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